I love listening to experts talk about sugar and educating on how destructive Sugar Overload is. But me being me, I have to vent!! It is like nails on a chalkboard every time I hear “we are ADDICTED to sugar.” And that it is similar to heroin addiction.
Yes, too much sugar without proper vitamins and minerals, wreck havoc on the body’s cells. But NO, needing sugar is a
It is the first stage of the cellular energy production cycle to make ATP. If it doesn’t have glucose when it gets to the pyruvate part of the cycle it turns it into lactic acid making the cells acidic and causing inflammation.
Lactic acid, a high lactic acid level is a sign of poor sugar control, is produced in the cell’s cytoplasm when the conversion of the pyruvate to Acetyl CoA is blocked by deficiency,(no minerals or vitamins, processed flour) toxins, low oxygen, or damage to a nanomotor, the Skeletal muscles can’t use lactic acid so it is moved back into the bloodstream (triglycerides) where the cardiac muscle cells (heart cells) or liver cells covert it back into glucose (SUGAR) and store it as glycogen for future energy usage for times you are not eating. (Sleeping or fasting)
We are CRAVING sugar because the cell is hungry and looking for energy. Insulin resistance is why we crave it; it is not that we are ADDICTED. Insulin will not let the sugar into the cell. It is like you yelling at your kids all the time, they just tune you OUT!! Insulin does the same thing…WHEN HAVE YOU HAD FASTING INSULIN LEVELS DROWN AND SOMEONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO ANALYZE THE RESULTS?
Our first food is very sweet, breast milk. The tip of our tongue is where we taste sweet, the doorway to our digestive systems, we need SUGAR, It is in our divine design!
NOT HFCS or High Fructose Corn syrup, I.N. E.V.E.R.Y. S.I.N.G.L.E. F.O.O.D.
Diabetes is a disease that sugars CAN NOT get into the cell and hang out in the bloodstream. This creates sugar cravings; this is not an ADDICTION but a sign of something wrong. You can have cravings for 20 years before too much sugar stays in your bloodstream and you are then told you are a Diabetic. Then diabetics are told to stop sugar, adding more flames to the craving fire, and now they are eating sweet chemical substitutes (toxins) that have no energy for the cell. They wonder what is wrong with them and why they can’t stop eating sugar and then they get a wound and wonder why they can’t heal. Honey placed topically on a wound gets the sugar RIGHT into the cell, (the skin absorbs like the gut) and gives the cell what it needs to produce energy to heal. IF YOU DON’T HAVE ENERGY YOU CAN’T HEAL, be it a leg wound, eyes, kidneys, or nerves.
Hemoglobin A1C is the gold standard of glucose measurement today, not just a fasting glucose level. I think a 3-hour GGT with insulin draws should be added. As the bloodstream becomes overloaded with glucose, these glucose molecules bind to red blood cells and ride piggyback, making a really big overgrown abrasive cell that can’t fit into small capillaries and create damage that calls on cholesterol to fix, hence elevated cholesterol levels. As these red blood cells grow with more and more glucose piggybacking on them, they can’t get down these small capillaries, and then you don’t get nutrition, oxygen, and waste removal to the very small areas of the body, eyes, toes, kidneys, lungs, nerves, and brain.
This is what causes the damage. These glucose molecules need to be on the inside of the cell not piggybacking and creating a larger workload for the body. That is why you have brain fog, shortness of breath, pain or burning in your feet, and poor eyesight. The kidneys are the last to complain…by then it could be too late. Skin tags, dark spots, or dark areas on the skin are signs of red blood cell clumping and trying to exit the body.
We have heard it over and over for years and it is now ingrained that SUGAR is the enemy, much like fat and cholesterol have been demonized for years. NO, SUGAR is just running with a bad crowd, it’s the company it keeps!!!! Loads and loads of denatured, demineralized, antinutrient foods like flour, nuts, seeds (corn, soy, flax, peanuts), and their rancid oils, a diet loaded with POLYUNSATURATED fats. We are then told to eat chicken, chicken, and more chicken, (low saturated fat) that are being fed POLYUNSATURATED seeds, and we eat beef fed POLYUNSATURATED seeds (corn, SOY, ). POLYUNSATURATED or PUFA’s are what our cell membranes are then built with (when our cell membrane is supposed to be made of saturated fats), and because this is the fat our cell membranes are built with, the sugar can’t get through. We are what we eat, and just like pigs and chickens, we build our cell membranes from the fat we eat. Animals with rumens’ can convert some PUFA’s into saturates, but WE can’t.
Our Adrenals and thyroid need sugar, that is why we “crave” it during times of stress, to keep this energy chain from being broken. But sugar without nutrition (soda, flour, pop tarts) causes Insulin Resistance which is why we have to balance meals and snacks with proteins, carbs, and fat EVERY TIME WE EAT! Hey, fruit is “okay”; it is a nutrient-dense package and it also needs a protein and a fat with it. I have seen a study that showed that 4oz of Orange juice (real OJ) can slow the blood sugar response to a Happy Meal more than water or soda. This is because it is high in vitamins and minerals. It can also convert some of the POLYS! Yet OJ is given to people to raise blood sugar… the KEY is Vitamins and minerals are the spark plugs of the cell and sugar is the gasoline.
High insulin levels are what drop your blood glucose, this is what is creating the intense cravings, shakiness, and/or vomiting, or other “detox” like symptoms’(hypoglycemia), not a sugar “addiction withdrawal”. It’s a hormone imbalance!! Insulin is a hormone! The body strives to be in homeostasis whether it is a high from heroin or maintaining the elevated blood sugars that are YOUR normal. You can have a hypoglycemic episode EVEN if your blood sugar is not considered LOW, because it may be low for you. If you normally run a 200 blood sugar and you bring it down to 100 you might FEEL bad because it is not YOUR body’s normal. 86 is optimal!!! YET 80 to 126 are considered within the normal range but not a functional range or healthy working cell range.
I like to say eat Carb-o- “hydrates” or foods that you can get the juice out of, that “hydrate” you. You can juice broccoli, cauliflower, celery, etc but you can’t get juice out of sugar, flour, or cream filling.
We are told to listen to our body; we need to be taught that sugar cravings are a sign of blood sugar deregulation, not an addiction. The word ADDICTION implies we have no control!
GOD gave us the love of sugar for a reason just like he gave us the sun to help us get Vitamin D. (4000 meg per 15 min) Our first food, breast milk is highest in sugar. 0.9 to 1.2 g/dL for protein, 3.2 to 3.6 g/dL for fat, and 6.7 to 7.8 g/dL for lactose per a 90 calorie amount. IIT IS RARE TO FIND A SUGAR BY ITSELF IN NATURE. table sugar is glucose and fructose, lactose is glucose and galactose, FRUIT HAS sucrose, fructose, and glucose. Soda pop has 100% fructose and the name even states ‘High Fructose” corn syrup!
We have to lower our sugar intake, so we lower our insulin levels, so we can control our body’s needs and listen more closely. We have to “detox” our “sweet taste” receptors from the SWEET overload. It is just like smoking, that first puff choked us and didn’t feel good, but then we got used to it.
We have to get to where sweets “choke” us and don’t make us feel good and we notice it right away, not when our health is falling apart.
We need to find another term!! ADDICTION is not it!
Find out if your cells are getting sugar into them with an HTMA test.
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In Health
Heather Carlile
Your Body’s Healing Wisdom
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