All of us love to have beautiful skin; if you have ugly skin eruptions, this means you are full of shit, literally, and it is overflowing out of your skin.
There are several reasons why. The first and most common is something wrong with your upper digestion, or the digestion in your stomach, caused by 1) food that lowers stomach acid or 2) acid-blocking meds. As stated in a previous blog, strong stomach acid is essential in digesting your food, killing pathogens (e.coli or salmonella) on foods we eat, preventing acid reflux, and even preventing asthma and pneumonia. Secondly, this strong acid is needed to move the stomach contents to the next digestion stage. If not strong enough, it slows digestion and causes constipation. If your food stays too long in your digestive tract, it reabsorbs toxins back into your circulation, and so instead of going out your bowels, it comes out of your skin. If the acid is not strong enough in the stomach, your stomach will not secret enzymes to protect your stomach lining from the “battery acid” needed to digest your food. This causes stomach ulcers. This is the only time you should take an acid blocker and only for a 14 day period to heal the lining with the ulcer. (Drug info insert states and no more than 4 times a year) After this 14 day period, change your diet so it doesn’t happen again. Long-term use of acid blockers is the number 1 destroyer of health today and the number 2 med prescribed behind pain meds.
When your stomach content is acidic enough to pass from the stomach to the small intestine, bile is secreted from the liver/gallbladder to bind toxins and remove them from the body. Suppose there is not enough bile, either because you don’t have a gallbladder or a poorly functioning one; the acid in the stomach content can burn the small intestine and cause diarrhea and/ or duodenal ulcers. A malfunctioning gallbladder or one with sludge and/or stones is from low-fat dieting or poor fats in the diet. Bile is what binds toxins and removes them from your body. Suppose these toxins are not removed from your body and stress your whole system and mostly your liver. One of the liver’s 500 functions in the body is to filter toxins, and by creating a poor digestive environment, you are adding more and more stress to the liver. This can lead to diabetes, PCOS, cancer, ulcers, acne, psoriasis, eczema, osteoporosis, anemia, and other health problems.
What can you do about it?
1) change your diet to whole non-processed foods, 2) remove toxins from your environment, the food you eat, and the things you apply to your skin. If you can’t eat, don’t wear it. 3) increase mineral-rich salt or sodium chloride (a building block to hydrochloric acid) zinc, and avoid food that destroys the gut lining. 4) minimal intake of PUFA’s or polyunsaturated fatty acids, as these are cold environment fats and become rancid in our 98-degree bodies. This stresses the bile flow production. Stick to saturated fats (animal fats) from animals not fed PUFA’s. i.e., corn, soy, canola, peanuts, or cottonseed. Grass-fed animals have 4 stomachs needed to process and remove minerals, vitamins, and toxins from grass and pass this bio-available, cleaned, nutritionally dense fuel on to you. If the animals you eat, eat poor food, how can you be nourished?… (sorry, got carried away with fats, vital for cell health, and we have trillions!!!) 5)Become super alert to cravings, as these are a sign of nutrients your body is searching for.
Learn more here. Acne and digestive protocols. The digestive questionnaire is available to pinpoint your needs. If zinc is on backorder, let me know. I have other sources.